1. Masters A Distancia
  2. Liderazgo Directivo
  3. Liderazgo Directivo a Distancia
  4. Htx Humantech Expeditions Program

Htx Humantech Expeditions Program

  • Lugar/Modalidad:

    A Distancia

  • Duración:

    - 50% Expeditions.
    - 20% Classroom.
    - 20% Workshops.
    - 10% Project.

  • Fechas:

    Date: February 20
    Date: June 20
    Date: October 20
    Date: November 20


Technology impacts most of human interactions and behaviors from the cultural, the social and the political dimensions to the way of doing and leading business, the economical dimension.

Now, more than ever, it is vital that business leaders are fully aware and connected with the key agents that are driving change, disrupting Business Models, Strategies and Organizations around the world.

For this purpose, we have developed the Human Tech Expeditions HTX, an experiential Leadership Program consistent of a series of Disruptive Learning Expeditions that will give direct insights of current and future trends around the world, through dynamic, interactive and immersive learning experiences.

This journey will provide Leaders with a full immersion into the keys of the Digital Transformation that are shaping business and organizations in a world of exponential changes.


Immersion into meaningful and disruptive business and social environment:Singapore SMART Nation project / Boston Int¿l hub of Education, Innovation, Research and disruptive Entrepreneurship initiatives.

Access to top class experts, institutions and organizations in three continents.

On the field observation about how digital and technology is shaping human behaviors.

First hand update on global big trends.

Understand how big trends can impact different industries and how to manage them on yours.

Conversations and connections with key thought leaders and organizations that have already gone through a digital transformation or that have challenged the status-quo.

Challenge your Leadership Style and your company¿s business and organizational model.

Observe how the Context (social-politic-economic) influences digital transformation

Understand what are the latest Exponential Technologies and how they are impacting all industries.

Witness how real Disruptive Organizations are leveraging Exponential Knowledge to lead the present and the future of their business.

Create your personal global network.

A program for continuous life long learning.

🏅Acreditaciones que tiene el Master

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Temario Htx Humantech Expeditions Program 2024

31 Modules

Boston, USA

Madrid, Europe

Singapore, Asia

On-line one day in Barcelona

3 Modules (120h)

ne week long

every 4 months

1 Module (32h)

10 months on-line platform

1 day project presentation


It has been proven that 90% of what we remember when we learn happens when we go through an immersive learning experience that includes:

Learning Expeditions.

Learning through workshops.

Real time observation.

Discussions and peer to peer learning.

Practical applications of learning.

The HTX program takes these principles into account, introducing learning expeditions to those parts of the world where change agents are directly reshaping and disrupting businesses through technology and new human behaviors.

All the modules of the HTX program have been designed to connect participants with the most relevant contents, experts, institutions and organizations that are driving innovation and digital transformation, combining different methodologies such as workshops, peer to peer learning, expert panels, technology updates and in-company sharing experiences.

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