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  4. Master International Business Trade Management English

Master In International Business & Trade Management English

Master In International Business & Trade Management English OBS BUSINESS SCHOOL
  • Lugar/Modalidad:


  • Duración:

    12 months, 60 ECTS

  • Fechas:

    Modalidad Abierta


Master in International Business Management, promoting the use of information technologies, addressing the expansion of operations and changing corporate culture are all essential

The Master in International Business Management is modular in structure thanks to the International Business Management Module and the International Trade Management Module.

Globalisation has given rise to increasingly more segmented and competitive markets, so the internationalisation of companies and their establishment in foreign markets is key when expanding a business. Promoting the use of information technologies, addressing the expansion of operations and changing corporate culture are all essential.

The International Business Management module trains professionals with an international outlook, who know how to manage companies on the road to internationalisation or who already operate abroad. These professionals must master the financial, strategic and management environments which contribute to building international businesses.

The International Trade Management module, in turn, is designed for professionals with an international vocation, who know how to manage a sales department and who want to know the implications of a strategy in a global environment. It is for people proficient in business management who know about the opportunities that can be created with an international sales strategy.

By the end of the programme you will be able to:

Critically analyse and evaluate complex issues in a globalised, dynamic and changing business environment.

Describe the relevant economic and financial indicators, and business models for decision making.

Appreciate the intercultural complexities of international management and manage institutional agreements ethically.

Recognise the needs of international customers and develop global marketing strategies.

Apply the knowledge needed to succeed as a global entrepreneur and the know-how to develop new businesses in international contexts.

Plan growth strategies for international businesses.

Describe the tools of economic analysis and identify the challenges and opportunities of globalisation.

Use knowledge of new technologies and information systems for international trade and the management of international operations.

Develop sales negotiation skills and techniques at an international level.

Identify the different variables that influence the creation of commercial networks and the impact of logistics as a resource for business.

Manage the tax consequences of an international organisations business operations.

🏅Acreditaciones que tiene el Master

🎓 Titulaciones

Double qualification

People who successfully complete the programme will earn a Master's from OBS Business School and EAE Business School. In addition, participants who meet the academic requirements set for universities will obtain the Master's from the University of Barcelona.

✔ Requisitos

The fundamental goal of our application process is to ensure the suitability of candidates. All participants must get the most out of this learning experience via a context in which it is possible to develop a long-term relationship with classmates, teachers and alumni.

🏁 Objetivos

The programme is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to successfully face the changes that occur throughout the internationalisation of businesses and efficient strategic management, and also face the international commercial management of businesses with different opportunities offered by the changing environment. It also aims to increase the competitiveness and international employability of participants.

negociaciones internacionales, estrategia y gestión de comercio internacional, management, exportaciones e importaciones, comercio internacional
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Temario Master In International Business & Trade Management English 2025

International Business Management

International Integration and Economic Environment

International integration

Regional economic integration processes

Macroeconomic indicators

Regulatory environment

Environmental factors

International Business Management and Innovation

Principles of the strategy

Strategic innovative management

Internal and external analysis

Functional, competitive and corporate strategies

International strategies

Organisational structure

Global Marketing

Internationalisation of the company

Making decisions when entering international markets

Entry strategies for international markets

Global marketing programme

Implementation and coordination of the global marketing plan

International Financial Management

Introduction to the international financial system

Currency markets

Country risk

Access to financing in international markets

Cross-Cultural Management

The cultural dimension of international management

Management of cultural diversity

Intercultural communication

Leadership in the global context

Ethical dilemmas in global management

International Trade Management

Global E-Business Strategies

The internet in businesses and the new consumer

Business models

E-business considerations

Technical aspects e-businesses

Business strategy

Global Entrepreneurship

Trends and opportunities in the global environment (Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, etc.)

Management of business innovation and information systems

Business angels and venture capital companies

Social entrepreneurship

International Trade Management

International recruitment


International transport

International shipping insurance for goods

Main international trade documents

Global Supply Chain Management

Stock management, planning systems and operation control

Supply chain management

The integration of purchases "production" distribution

Competition between networks and the integration of operations

International Trade Negotiations

Negotiation in the commercial sphere

Preparing to negotiate

The sales negotiation process and techniques

Negotiation at international level

International Business Simulation


Trading with

The Trading with workshops cover specific aspects of how to do business and providing services in several regions worldwide. They will focus on the economic and cultural peculiarities of each society, their cultures and subcultures and their influence on trade relations. The workshops will also cover issues related to business protocols and etiquette, as well as discuss how to do business in those regions. Specific topics covered are regional trading blocs, the advantages and challenges of doing business in such countries, guidance for investors and entrepreneurs, case studies, etc. The workshops will be conducted in Spanish or English.

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