1. Masters en Barcelona
  2. Turismo
  3. Turismo en Barcelona
  4. Master Tourism Destinations And Planning

Master In Tourism Destinations And Tourism Planning

  • Lugar/Modalidad:


  • Duración:

    60 ECTS

  • Fechas:



This program will be conducted in English.

Sustainable development has become a new paradigm in the 21st Century, in both the public and private sphere, and from an international right down to a local level. In the tourism sector, this paradigm has given rise to the concept of sustainable tourism, which focuses on the environmental, social and economic aspects in this sector.

There is an ever-growing number of public bodies, academic institutions, tourism destinations, companies and international organizations that actively seek to integrate sustainability criteria into their policies.

Ostelea has decided to run a Master program in Sustainable Tourism Destinations and Regional Tourism Planning, which is designed to equip professionals and executives to lead the shift towards more sustainable planning and management of tourism activity, whether in public administrations or in the private sector.

Find out about the latest research conducted by Ostelea on ¿Ecological and Sustainable Tourism in Spain¿, which observes and analyses one of the tourism formats that has undergone the greatest growth in recent years.

🎓 Titulaciones

Participants that successfully complete the programme will receive a TRIPLE QUALIFICATION:

Máster Universitario en Gestión Turística Sostenible de Recursos y Destinos, con especialidad en Patrimonio Natural, from the Universitat de Lleida (OFFICIAL)

The qualification of Master in Sustainable Tourism Destinations and Regional Tourism Planning from The Ostelea, School of Tourism & Hospitality. (INSTITUTIONAL)

The qualification of Master in Sustainable Tourism Destinations and Regional Tourism Planning from EAE Business School. (INSTITUTIONAL)

Bolsa de Empleo y Salidas profesionales

Professional Opportunities

Director of tourism information, promotion and commercialization.

Director of destination programs.

Tourism destination planning and management technician.

Specific tourism product manager.

Tourism product development technician.

Natural and cultural heritage management technician.

Local development agent.

Analyst, consultant or advisor in the tourism sector.

🏁 Objetivos

The Master in Sustainable Tourism Destinations and Regional Tourism Planning will give you the following benefits:


Acquiring knowledge of tourism destination planning and management with the application of sustainability criteria. Learning the foundations of sustainable regional development, tourism sustainability and its impact on the quality of the destination¿s image.


Designing strategies and plans for dynamizing and differentiating tourism products and destinations based on sustainable tourism management, both in well-established and emerging destinations.


Learning the regulatory framework with respect to regional planning at different scales and its impact on the management of tourism destinations.


Detecting business opportunities: analysing sustainability as a competitive advantage for designing, promoting and commercializing new tourism products.


Discovering and applying information and communications technologies to tourism design and commercialization. Learning to apply the latest methods and techniques for the development and efficient management of tourism products and destinations.


Gaining insight into the environmental impacts of tourism activity for proposing alternatives for sustainable tourism planning and management.

planificación turística, comercializacion turistica, promocion de destinos turisticos
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Temario Master In Tourism Destinations And Tourism Planning 2025

Módulo 1 : Governance and sustainable planning of tourism products and destinations

Governance and strategic planning of sustainable tourism destinations - 6 Credits - Core Course

Marketing and commercialization of sustainable tourism destinations and products - 6 Credits - Core Course

Módulo 2 : Sustainable tourism development

Heritage, tourism and sustainable development - 9 Credits - Core Course

Design and management of endogenous development tourism projects - 6 Credits - Core Course

Módulo 3 : Evaluation, management and conservation of natural heritage

Strategic regional planning - 6 Credits - Core Course

Sustainable management and preservation of natural resources and protected natural spaces - 6 Credits - Core Course

Módulo 4 : Tourism Management of natural heritage from a sustainability perspective

Creation and innovation of sustainable tourism products based on natural resources - 3 Credits - Core Course

Sustainable planning for the development of natural tourism - 6 Credits - Core Course

Módulo 5 : Master¿s Thesis

Master¿s Thesis - 12 Credits - Core Course

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